Monday, April 21, 2008

Things A Man Need To Do!

There are some things in life where a boy needs to accomplish in order to be acknowledged as a man. A passage of adulthood to progress to the next level. As one moves from the comforts of home to build his own.

Last week, i struggled, but managed to walk that path, and i'm proud that i came through it alive.


... built my portable cupboard!

Yes, i bought this from a hypermarket here on the island, and i decided it was high time to get it, since i realise i need to hang up my shirts properly.

As simple as the instruction said it is, it took awhile to assemble the lower part of the cupboard. But patience and a dash of hardship was need to put them together.

These metal rods form the upper part of the cupboard; a small storage place to put my pants and t-shirts lah.

And here are all my messy of clothes, piled up at the side of my room, which needed my dire attention. Well, what do you expect from a person who's live is equally messed up like that. Yup, messed up.

After 40 minutes of sweat and effort put into the project, i finally got myself a cupboard! Oh, finally, i have more space on the floor... to place more junk on.

Well, i would want to take on assembling a real wooden cupboard. Perhaps after that, i can make my own bed! Then, i can be god-like! HAHAHA!~

Love & Peace!~



.:dewgem:. said...

yay to Bernard and congrats! :P

You've finally gotten yourself a cupboard and fixed it up! And yes, do you have my contact number? Haha.

Anonymous said...

wakaka...belum cukup lagilah bro...

BlurChu? said...

Yes, to both the cupboard and your number, Dewgem!

And belum cukup lagi ke, Julius!?


Anonymous said...

Dude, its just a portable cupboard. I know of other GIRLS who set up theirs in less time. AND have set up their own DIY assembly beds too :P

Let me know when you hand built your own house next time. THEN I'll be impressed. :P

- Nemo

Anonymous said...

i guess the next step is to look like hachiban tai taichou kyoraku shinsui...
i can ook like him already...

BlurChu? said...

Alright, Nemo-mo!~

I'll inform you when that happens... but see how lah. Life's too short anyway.

And yes, Julius! Either look like him or Ukitake Jushiro or Tousen Kaname! HAHAHA!~

It's cool you can be like that! But try to be like Rabu Love lah!


Anonymous said...

a vaizard or a taichou? both seems cool, maybe Rabu Love's hair plus Kyoraku Shinsui style? hmm...

JennZuriel said...

cute bed sheet! lol!!!

BlurChu? said...

Hmmm... when Rabu Love became a vaizard! That look of his is better! And keep it growing, Julius!~

Thanks, Jenn. I just use what i have lah. Just a cute bedsheet.


Anonymous said...

oh no, nard, u hv a LV cupboard!!!

BlurChu? said...


LV Cupboard? Is that what it's called, Been?!

Tell me, tell me!


Anonymous said...

dont u thk they look alike?haha~~

BlurChu? said...


Yes it does, Been! Looks like cheap manufacturers have good taste too!