Monday, July 26, 2010

Locked-up dreams.

Honestly, i feel as if the whole world is against me. Me against the world, with no one by my side to support my dreams, aspirations and hope.

Ever since i was young, i find that difficult to dream, even for a small thing. Sometimes i think dreams are for dreamers who can't walk the talk. Sometimes, it's the elders who shut you down, bringing you back to rotten reality.

I thought i can dream again as i'm entering the next stage of my life; but i might be wrong.

But recently, i find if it's to make others happy, it's best to cast your dreams aside.

Now, i'm locking whatever dreams i have, to keep the one i love happy. It's a sacrifice, but perhaps it's for the best.

Perhaps i'll visit them, one day, when i have the chance to do so. For now, i'm locking them up behind the door....

Seems like an honest world
You're begging for the baker's bread when the money's out
Stand, climb, and fall
You carry the world
Can't carry your hope..."

Excerpt from Lifehouse's Stanley Climbfall

Love & Peace!~ BC?

1 comment:

hot potato said...

this one is really nice for it has touched the whole for this millenium.