Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chicken chicken!

I believe not a lot of people know this, since it did not come out in the newspaper, but People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was here in Malaysia last week!

PETA who? That group of people who champions the rights of animals all over the world, protesting against fur and leather industry, butchery, animal cruelty, etc. While they pop up in the media, for both good and bad reasons, every now and then, they rarely appear here in this country!

While, a group of these supporters decided to gather outside the KFC outlet in Larut Road at about noon on last Thursday, as two of them decided to cage themselves in a 'chicken coop', waving around placards which states "Confined, Tortured, Scalded: Boycott KFC".

After staying put for about an hour, the trio then left the place, wondering if they have left an impact on onlookers. Well, it somewhat left an impact on one person here.

Unfortunate, i don't think this piece of news saw the daylight here. But it makes you wonder, how you get your food, doesn't it?

Love & Peace!~



JennZuriel said... did the y find out about the poor chickens? makes me wonder, if the chicks were scalded, then it wouldn't be Halal right?

BlurChu? said...

Hmmm... i wonder the same....