Friday, November 03, 2006

Serial No. 00302

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

I was shocked to discover how far i've come.

Recently, i was reading blogs of my friends, namely Dewgem and Joshua Foong, discovering that they have blogged for three years and reached 200th entry. And i checked out how many entries have i posted.

*Surprise surprise!*

In about two years time, i've written and posted about 300 entries! Experienmenting with blogging years back has now become my hobby. And my blog has evolved according to my maturely, lifestyle and experience.

I guess i couldn't have gone far without the encouragement and support from my friends, the people who have faith in me and of course, you readers! But i shouldn't be too big headed about it, as the main credit goes to Almighty God who gave me this talent and passion to write.

With myself, i can't go far. But with God's strength, wisdom and courage, i move miles ahead. And i can write more quality and thoughtful materials for the soul and mind. (or whatever that passes by!)

Ichigo versus Ichigo. I maybe my worst critic, but i need to challenge myself in order to be better!

I want to learn more.
I want to be better!

Love & Peace!~


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