Before Homegroup, i got a goody bag that contained (gasp!) several bags of Kotex sanitary pads. I was tongue-tied.
Living a job has a reporter has it's ups and downs. You'll meet people, expanding your circle of contacts, widen your horizons and get free stuff (advices and goodies) as you go along. While at the same time, you need to know how to get to places, meet deadlines, produce articles under pressure and face the music now and then.
But the bottomline is if you aren't passionate about writing, journalism isn't the field to be in. Because besides reporting, meeting and calling people up, that's what you'll be doing for life! I love it! Therefore, i write!~
If Clark Kent can move around real fast, can he also think as quick as his fingers move when he writes a story? Hmmm....
Anyway, a few weeks back, Joshua Wong told me i'll be part of the new CF committee. Last week, Angel reminded me about it, and Dewgem comfirmed that statement; i'm the auditor for the UTAR PJ CF. With great powers, comes great responsiblities... a motto i'll always remember.
This role is situated after the committee members role, putting me at the bottom feeder role. But it doesn't matter. What matters most is that i get the job given to me done, submitting to authority and doing it full heartedly for God. I'll do my best to work with the current committee, consisting of Dewgem, Sui Li, Tan Jo-Anne, Joanne Lee, Michelle, Joshua Wong, and few others i've not met.
I wonder, if you're holding a small post, does that mean your passion and zeal is that small as well? Is your passion as big as your position in the committee? Sometimes, this is why a committee of an society can easily crumble: people are all power-hungry for exco posts.
"Having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. "
2 Corinthians 4:1
Perhaps if people would just put in their 101% effort into they job, no matter what post, projects or tasks given, i guess 60% of failures in a committee can be avoided. What do you think?
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."
2 Corinthians 4:6-7
I'm just human that needs God's strength to empower me. I'm no hero, just human.
Anyway, here's a Spider-man 3 trailer:
I prefer the smooth, black symbiote suit look like the ones in the comics to this one. But then again, it's director Sam Raimi's small ideas. The same one like organic weblings and Mary-Jane Watson is Peter's first love. I guess i can shallow it. We'll just see the movie in 2007.
Love & Peace!~
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