Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It hurts, i know.

"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

Romans 5:3-5

This scripture reading was taken from my devotional reading last week, and it has a significant meaning to me the past week. (FYI: Reading in the car before going out for classes/work helps you through the day!)

Like a good shepherd breaking the leg of a wandering lamb, somethings God puts us in hardship. Broken relationships, losses, frustration are laid in our path, and we ask ourselves,

"What does God has against me?"
"Does He loves seeing His people suffer?"
"Why do good people die early?"

Thus, we grow bitter and turn our backs at God.

But it's not the suffering that God wants us to know; it's the lessons from it. What can you learn from a relationship that's lost? What can you see beyond the death of a love one? These are the stuff that God wants us to focus upon. What doesn't kills you, just makes you stronger. And we should be like that. Picking up the pieces and moving on with your purposed-driven life. A fufilled wonderful life that He has promised each and everyone of us.

"Speak to me,
When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along"

Extracts from Move Along, The All-American Rejects

These past few weeks, i've witness many people breaking down, physically, mentally and spritually right before my eyes. Matters that seem trivial to others caused them to break down in tears, feeling frustrated and losing focus. At times, i couldn't do anything much but being there with them. Being a friend for them.

I personally thank God for Him being in my life, as He comforts me whenever i'm in sticky situations, He calms me to think rationally and He puts the smile on my face when things around me is gloomy.

I believe i need God in my life everyday. My walk with Him should be constant, and may i learn more, for my legs were broken by the Shepherd in many occasions. I believe we all need God in our lives everyday.

"God can You hear me
I need You here tonight
I'm tired of pretending that everything's alright
And I know, I know that You hold tomorrow
But I need You here tonight"

Taken from God Can You Hear Me, Tait

Love & Peace!~



karynn said...

wah! your thinking so deep one ar?

the Sojourner said...

hi, i found your blog from edwin's blog...

just wanted to say that this sharing of yours has touched me, thank you for giving me some encouragement for the journey...

God bless!

BlurChu? said...

Excuse me! are you trying to imply that i'm shallow ah?! Me kiddish and deep in thought at the same time, ok? HAHAHA!~

Oh, hello Petrina! Thanks for dropping by, and you're welcome. I guess we know that God is hope, but we need to remember that time and time again. And sometimes, there are others that reminds us of His goodness and love He has for us.

God bless to you too, all of you!


karynn said...

hehehe, sorry lo. not implying that ur shallow. just that always c u always happy happy and blur blur, dun expect u 2 write such "cheem" thoughts down mah. :-p