Anyway later today, there'll be a Youth Combined meeting in church to celebrate Good Friday. Today's event would be like the usual casual ones we have once every month, but we'll be watching a film; as Justin stated last week.
Speaking of last week, let me just give you a glimpse of what has happened from the last Friday till today;
FRIDAY (07/04/2006)
No classes on that day. At night, not only did i played the bass guitar for Youth Combined meeting, but played an impromptu role for the guest speaker, Lemuel. Apparently, his youth who were supposed to be in the skit couldn't make it, so the guys like Edwin, Daniel Loo, Sean and i had to fill in the space lah.

Lemuel (I wished i've asked for his surname, and if he's a pastor or not.) This is the same dude who worship led at HUGE Camp 2005 with the Christmas cap! Two thumbs up for this dude!
The sermon, entitled "Perfectly Imperfect" talks about how we always want to be someone else as we are not satisfied we the way we look. We yearn to be like some celebrity or popstar, till we're addicted to makeovers; always feeling discontented.
However, God has created us perfectly, uniquely. It's just that we're blinded by the problems around us and we fail to acknowledge that fact. And no matter how much we change our appearance, if you have a problem within, it'll just leak out.
What's God's plan for us?
(A)cknowledge God's wonderful plan for your life.
(B)elieve God is the source of a true makeover.
(C)hoose God's way always.
By the way, Oliver's and Julius' birthday was on this day.

"... err, and I like Pokemon cards as well!" said Edwin, in a scene from the skit. Hey, we just follow whatever that's been penned down on that script.
SATURDAY (08/04/2006)
Attended the last class for the Semester and handed in the final assignment. Though i was late for Journalism 2, i managed to come into the class with the commentary piece and got tips for the finals.
Bought Oliver's and Julius' presents after class.
SUNDAY (09/04/2006)
Attended second service as i woke up late. At least, got Ernest to tag along as well. Practiced the music presentation for Easter next Sunday and rushed of for lunch. We didn't want to be late for the Leader's forum at 2:15 pm.
Was off to UKRC for a game of CAPTAIN BALL. Loss to the other team, 10 - 8, as the first four points of the opposing team was contributed by my carelessness. I guess the bigger your pride, the louder and harder you fall.
But i don't focus on winning each time i play; it's the elements of teamwork and fun that everyone should be looking into. But winning enhances those elements.
MONDAY (10/04/2006)
Watched V FOR VENDETTA with Sui Li and John Reuben in Mid-Valley. After watching it again, it still impresses me! It had witty quotes, superb action sequences the Wachowski brothers can deliver and i can't get Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture out of my head!
The movie was awesome!
"Behind this mask... is more flesh. Behind this mask... is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof."
V, from V for Vendetta
Chilling and skating with the youths in Sunway Pyramid! From 12 to 5 pm, we skated, had lots of fun and skated some more. The guys just breezed through the ice, while the girls needed us guys to assist them. So, half the time, we were helping those who did not have skating feet, so to speak, and thought them how to ice-skate properly. Some learnt, while others struggled.
I enjoy ice-skating after not being in the rink for ages. But i couldn't be as good as Daniel or Abigail. I can't skate backwards!
Legs ached, what more as they were still recovering from CAPTAIN BALL.
WEDNESDAY (12/04/2006)
Downloaded a GBA emulator and a few game ROMs. Got hooked to KINGDOM HEARTS: CHAIN OF MEMORIES. Enjoyed playing KINGDOM HEARTS on PS2 two years ago, and wanted to know more about what happened to Sora, Goofy and Donald before the English version of KINGDOM HEARTS 2 comes out on PS2.
Got addicted to it as i played it all day long.
THURSDAY (13/04/2006)
Went to campus to enquire about my Industrial Attachment. It's comfirmed, i'm not going to THE STAR. I'm going to the bigger star, THE SUN. And i still need to find out if they accept dudes with long hair.
Got the results for ADVERTISING COPYWRITING and JOURNALISM 2. Did quite well compared to others. But i should perform well in my finals.
Downloaded FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE and LEGEND OF ZELDA: THE MINISH CAP roms. Got addicted to LEGEND OF ZELDA as well. Didn't really start on FF, as i know it's a really long game!
FRIDAY (14/04/2006)
Stuck here in front of the PC, updating this blog. I need to study soon!
Love & Peace!~
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