Monday, April 17, 2006

The Fall.

I was visited by Justin and SherMayne just now. After checking up on my condition and a session of chatting (and affection), they left my house towards the legit DVD store in Sri Petaling. What happened to me?

I fell and bumped my head.

Before anyone of you readers go haywire and all worrying about me, let me just ensure you; i'm fine. This is what actually happened yesterday:

I was at UKRC, leading the Captain Ball game. About ten or so youths turned up, as not only did some of us had exams coming up, thesis to complete or were to tired to play, but the rainy weather didn't permit many to come. The short game however, ended abruptly and unmotivatedly those my group was leading. Perhaps the lack of players and the muddy, slippery fields affected those playing.

Then, most of us turned to playing basketball. And that's when it happened. When playing on the wet court barefooted, i must have somehow lost my footing and slipped. Thus, i hit the ground on my back like a meteor hitting earth. At that point, i couldn't recall what happened since we played Captain Ball, or how Easter was then. But as i slowly recall and talked to the others, memories came back one by one. I could recall my full name, my password for my e-mail accounts and blog accounts, and where i stayed and how to get back home. That's good news!

I asked if i blacked out and they said i didn't. Strange enough, as i thought at the point my whole body hit the floor and getting up, everything was dark and blurry to me.

As the day was darkenning, i sent Johnathan Chia back, and later drove back home. As i parked my car, my head, back and butt hurts. Plus, i was feeling fatigue. I then decided to sleep awhile in the car.

By 10 pm, i woke up and entered the house. Smallville began. I was still giddy and tired from the ordeal. Took a shower after that and hit the sag.

Thank God for His protection over me, that i didn't feel nausea, vomited or fainted after falling down. Or did i get myself into an accident while driving back home. I'm really thankful for that. Today as i woke up, the headache's gone, but the pain in the tail bone still lingers there and my back aches a little.

Rowen advised me to visit the doctor and get a scan. So did SherMayne. In addition to that, she told me about this handsome guy she knew who fell while playing basketball and was admitted to the hospital. To cut the story short, he came out of come couple of days back and is semi-paralysed! It's freaky, as he was a bassist in his church as well.

I guess God's hands were really protecting me. I'm just to afraid to imagine what would happened if i really fall into a coma, lose my memories, or worse, become a vegetable! Thougts of unable to play the bass guitar, move around freely and being disabled has the ability to bring me down in tears.

I pray that this fall didn't do anymore harm than just a backache. I'm thankful and blessed to have a God who not only became flesh, died and rose up from the grave so that we may have eternal life, but has the ability to perfrom miracles, change lives and protects us with His blood.

I pray that that other bassist will recover from his fall soon. And i believe that God has a divine plan for him, somehow.

Love & Peace!~



Anonymous said...

wow, u fell?

BlurChu? said...

Yes, i did, John Reuben! While playing basketball after Captain Ball.


Justin said...

I hope you purposely spelled it wrong coz affection is spelled with an 'e'. Not "affaction". Sigh, how you going to write next time? Studying journalism summore... tsk tsk tsk...


BlurChu? said...

Oh, i'm glad you noticed it. I was just waiting for someone to tell me about that error. Good eye there, Justin!

The excuse about is the same excuse like falling on the ground and saying i wanted to pick up the sand, pun not indeeded.