Saturday, May 27, 2006

Failed Surprise, Successful Gag.

Sometimes, somethings need proper planning. Some just require the right vict... target and proper timing. Let me explain to you what happened yesterday at Homegroup meeting at Oliver's house.

Yesterday was Sui Li's 20th birthday. So, Angeline planned to give her a surprise. We wanted to show her her birthday cake (with 2 big candles and 1 small one. I thought it's just her 20th bithday?) when i drive her to the Haze Corner after Homegroup meeting. But although we manage to execute the plan, she didn't seem surprised at all.

Perhaps it was because we were all acting awkward and weird all of a sudden during the meeting? Was it because Julius distracted her when Kevan and Angeline came into the house? Or was it because we were whispering among each other about the plan. Apparently, Sui Li said i was the one who let the cat out of the hat. She heard the TV audio over the phone when i came pick her up. *sigh*

Anyway, all is not lost! During yesterday's meeting, while we were watching the documentary about The Da Vinci Code (yet another one) on DVD, lethargic Alwin felt asleep. Seeing the opportunity, we all decided to pull a prank on him. So, we switched off TV and all the lights, and hid in Julius' and Fergarsen's room. Alwin then, was left in the dark (pun not intended).

After a few attempts calling his handphone, we decided to call Oliver's house phone. We plan to inform him that we are all now at mamak, and waiting for him. And he did woke up, walked to the house phone and answered the call. It seemed like he was not very jolly, waking up all alone in the dark. We tend came out of the room, comforting him as he showed his "muka-tak-syok."
I guess when you put minds together, we can pull off a lot of things. And this just proves that our Homegroup is united. (somehow, this sentence is SO wrong!)

Anyway, we went to Haze Corner and had supper and cake! Boy, was the apple crumble cake superb! With only six of us there and four slices of cake of various favour, we had more to munch on.

I learnt a few lessons from this:

1. A good plan should be executed with proper planning, perfect timing and good communication.

2. When pulling a prank over the phone, make sure you are aware of your surrounding.

3. Documentaries can really put people to sleep.

4. Don't simply wave at Kancils that looks like Kevan's, or any cars of your friends for that matter. I almost embarassed myself (again) by signalling at a total stranger driving through, thinking it was Kevan. But it wasn't as bad as what i did in Sg Long; signalling and stalling another Kenari while Sui Li's was behind me on the other side of the road! But nothing can top up what happened to Sui Li on Wednesday.

For more details on yesterday's event, visit:

Oliver's blog
Sui Li's blog

Love & Peace!~


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