Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tired, tired.

Physically and mentally, i'm tired. Add in procrastination and voila - things that i'm suppose to accomplish are not done on time. Blogging is one of them.

Last weekend, Melissa D and i stayed over in church for training. What training? It's the training before we leave for Sabah on a mission trip with the church's School of Youth Ministry members. Yup, we'll be heading down to interior parts of Sabah in less than two weeks.

It was really a energy-sapping experience, trying to get the know the time better as well as understanding what we should be doing for the mission trip. I have to admit that it's challenging, but we're excited about it! And there's a lot to do.

And i'm physically fatigue, that this means i would need to rely on God more (and of course, rest as much as possible!)

As stated in Psalms 55:22, 'Cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.'

Love & Peace!~


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