Thursday, January 04, 2007

It Hurts: Redux.

I don't know how it actually feels like, but it sure hurts a lot when someone you love with all your heart and soul leaves you.

I got to know this dude, through the freshmen who have helping me out, and this dude was talking and wondering about why his girlfriend dumped him a couple of weeks back. From the way he talk and expression, i guess he still isn't over about her.

Apparently, this dude is a player, who has a roaming eye, but have changed after going out with this one girl for ten months. After arguements and many things in between, she dumped him, spitting him out like bad meat. He was left devastated.

His friends told him to forget about her.
His mom told him she doesn't know what she's losing out.
I butt in, surprisingly, and gave a more surprising thought,

"Maybe she isn't meant for you? Maybe she was suppose to be with you so that you would change into a better person. Perhaps there'll be someone better who IS meant for you. So, she's there to prepare you for this better person - a turning point!"

I can't believe that came out of my mouth. But then again, what if the people you are with are there to help mould you into a better person, more suited for your one true love?

I can't tell if i'm saying this because i'm thinking clearly, or the fact i'm facing fatigue from the Day 1 of Orientation Week in the campus.

"...after all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me died when I let you go..."

Excerpt from Lifehouse's Blind

Love & Peace!~


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