Saturday, October 02, 2004

my blog: RE-editted again!

i've been upgrading my blog today... and it took me a couple of hours doing it. boy, was i exhausted!

there was a lot of editting to the template, and it was confusing indeed! after trial and error, i've produced what you're seeing now.

1. a much better and improved chatterbox!
2. pictures on the sidebar!
3. added links!

well, i've gotta thank all the people who has helped visited and contributed (unofficially) to my blog. and those people are Zhi-Yong and Mei... i've pillage a few codes from your blog... ok or not? anyway, i'm adding MEI into my LIST OF BLOGS I READ!

it's kinda hard to cipher all the source codes together. thank goodness i had lessons on website designning, and i can identify some of them. hence, i can update this blog. unfortunately, i can't improve it anymore without jeopardizing my whole blog.... little by little lah.

for all those who are reading this, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!~

Love & Peace!~


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